Friday, July 26, 2013

Twice Sold Tales

Despite the recent downpour, it's been a busy week for the Used Book Cellar, from what all the customers are telling me, everyone's moving, clearing out their stash, giving up on collections or trying to make room for more books. But these people's "life changes" are your scores! We have so many neat treasures, in addition to an exciting sidewalk sale this weekend chock full of half-priced art books, $1 books and other surprises that await your new paycheck. You'll need to load up on cool books if this rain is in it to stay. What will you read?! Here are some suggestions:

Tuck into an old classic from a vintage Modern Library edition with newly mylared dust jackets your welcome, guaranteed there will be neat ephemera from the 50s and 60s in here, I was sure to leave a few pieces! Excellent covers, classic books you've been meaning to read for ages, we've got it all. And there are a few more in our overstock room so keep checking back regularly as we put out fresh ones.

A theology scholar sold off most of his collection so we have a dazzling array of academic and general-interest books on world religions, everything from Evil in Hindu Religions to Catholic catechisms (a must if you're trying to make sense of Dante's Inferno OR Dan Brown's).

Also, a devoted reader of science fiction and fantasy dropped off all kinds of tomes. Everything from neat space operas to the Clan of the Cave Bear series to loads of Neil Gaiman. Come get your fill before some other muggle does!

This rain could go on for days, folks. Or hours, but whatever. Get prepared for an epic flood and load up on books now BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!

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