Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Moody vs Boredom

In Judy Moody and the Not Bummer Summer, it was really refreshing to see Judy outside of school and her room, as we so often see her.  This time, she's on roller coasters, enduring crazy car trips, falling into streams, and chasing bigfoot through her neighborhood.  Even though character-based series books often feel like the same books after a while, Megan McDonald keeps Judy fresh in new adventures and conundrums.   The Not Bummer Summer is still Judy, trying to be the best at everything and master collector, but this time it's summer vacation.  And all but one friend is off having the time of their lives.  So, how is this supposed to be the best summer ever?

You may already know that Judy Moody is soon to be a movie! But, did you know that Megan McDonald co-wrote the script? And, that the movie is based off of her new book -- as opposed to the series combined as Ramona and Beezus was done?

It's a nice change really.  I mean even when a movie is well done, if it completely alters the theme or moral of the original text, it just falls flat.  Knowing the mastermind and creator behind Judy and her crazy antics and ever changing moods is behind the scenes here makes me look forward to this movie even more.  Or, "Super-cali-fragi-listic-expi-thrilla-delic!" in the words of Judy.

Read the book that made the movie, now in stock!  The movie will appear in theaters June 10th.

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