Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Livin' the Booksmith Dream

Hi there! I'm Liz T. and will be your new Tuesday blogger. Hip hip hooray!

I figured I'd start out by musing on working at Brookline Booksmith, since I am both a new and old employee.

When I found out several months ago that I was going to be laid off from my full time, cubicle job of 11 years at a magazine publishing house, of course I was nervous and a tad fearful, but underneath that was a spark of excitement. No, I did not want to collect unemployment, tune up my resume (not that that's a bad idea anyway,) write endless cover letters and hit the streets looking for a new job. I wanted to work at Booksmith, full time.

I've been at the store part time for almost ten years working nights and weekends, and I've often thought about working here full time and, as I call it, livin' the Booksmith dream. Suddenly, the opportunity arose, stars aligned and I jumped on it. Sure, there have been some logistical adjustments I had to make (I still never know what day it is) and my feet hurt a lot now, but I officially love it!

I've been talking to my friends and family about my "new" job a lot these days and trying to explain to people who've never been here why I love it so much. Sometimes the uninformed wonder why I'd want to work at a retail job - "isn't that a step down after your cushy corporate job?" Not at all, I tell them.

A job at Booksmith is more than a retail job. The store is the hub of a community, a place where people come to find out what's going on. We sell books (new and used), cards and adorable gift items but we also talk about ideas and art, music and poetry, and sometimes politics. It is endlessly interesting. It's a people place. I feel renewed when I come to work and that's not something I could say about my last job in my beige cubicle, where reminders of the corporate values were hung on every wall. My co-workers are smart and dedicated and fun to be around. The customers, from near and far, are just as smart and fun. Our events staff bring in the most talented and varied authors from first time novelists to well-known celebrities.

I'm sure this sentiment has been expressed on this blog before, but I had to add my voice to the others. As far as my soul goes, working here is a major step up. (However, I could use a foot rub.)

See you around the store!

1 comment:

janet said...

you're my dream, liz t.